Massachusetts Clairvoyants at Fault |
Massachusetts Clairvoyants at Fault1 From the Boston Traveller, Aug. 2. On the 20th of last March, and frequently afterward, several clairvoyants and trance mediums in East Boston personated the death of a young man whose spirit informed them that he had fallen from aloft on board the bark Nehemiah Gibson, then on her passage from Melbourne via New South Wales for San Francisco. In its fall the spirit stated that its body had struck the rail of the vessel and after a few hours had expired in great agony. The young man's family and all the leading Spiritualists of East Boston implicitly believed these wonderful revelations; but it affords us pleasure to state that the young man arrived in San Francisco still in the body, and with a fair prospect of living his "three score years and ten." We mentioned the case because it as been a common topic of conversation with the people of East Boston for several months.