Nehemiah Gibson of East Boston - Coal Barges

Nehemiah Gibson, of East Boston1

Nehemiah Gibson, of East Boston ventilates a project for transporting coal and other heavy freight from New York and Philadelphia to Boston by iron barges, to be towed by steam tugs, and constructed on such models that they can be taken, cargoes and all, on a marine railway from Taunton river to Quincy bay, at East Braintree or Weymouth. This overland route will be less than 80 miles in length. It is proposed to construct it of massive steel rails about none feet gauge, to have strong platform cushioned cars, each to take a barge with 400 tons of coal, to be placed under it and withdrawn by submersion at the termini over an inclined plane, worked by stationary engines. This route would be 156 shorter than that around Cape Cod.



1The Daily Constitution, Middletown Connecticut - 30 June 1873 - pg. 2.