Article - The Mayorality - Boston Daily Globe - 28 November 1876 |
The Mayorality1 The Democracy enter the Campaign. The Hon. F. O. Prince Unanimously Nominated for Mayor. A Close Fight Between Ex-Alderman Gibson and the Successful Candidate. Joseph Smith Nominated for Street Commissioner. WHOM WILL THE REPUBLICAN CHOOSE? A Strong Movement in Favor of the Hon. Halsey J. Boardman. The dissension in the Democratic part on the subject of the Mayorality has thoroughly roused public interest in the coming municipal election. A tour of investigation, yesterday, by a Globe reporter, showed that the citizens of both parties are beginning to talk over the probabilities of the coming fight. The republicans are ??? to the fact, that the Democracy is preparing to nominate a party ticket, and that the opposition must be united if it would enter the fight with any chance of success. It was thought that - by a judicious nomination for Mayor the disaffection in the Democratic ranks might be made to serve the interests of the Republicans. Within a few days the name of the Hon. Halsey J. Boardman seems to have come to take the lead in the list of Republicans mentioned in connections with the Mayorality nomination. That gentleman, although he has not authorized any person to present his name as the candidate at this time, has a host of friends who declare that he is in every way the best and most available candidate to be named. One fo the best know Republicans of the South End and gentleman who supported Mayor Cobb last year said: "I hope Mr. Boardman will be nominated by the Republicans. While last year, a good many of us thought it best to vote for Mr. Cobb's re-election, none of us based our nation on an enmity to Mr. Boardman. He came out of the contest as he went in - without a stain upon his character and with the respect of the entire community. Considering how he was weighed down with the coalition ticket for Aldermen and School Committee, Mr. Boardman made a remarkably good run. In view of the fact that he was the candidate last year, he would command this year the support of the men who voted for him in December last; and no Cobb man, I think, would object to his candidature now." The reporter asked whether Mr. Boardman would be likely to accept a nomination. "If it was tempered to him by the united Republican party, I think he would accept, although he has announced himself not a candidate. It seems to me that Mr. Boardman should be so nominated. A good many Democrats would vote for him who would not think of voting for any other Republican; and the Republicans can unite, it seems to me, on no other man so well. Mr. Boardman's friends feel more over te bolt in favor of Cobb last year; and while I do not regret my course in the last election, still I think every Republican sees the need of harmony now. If the Democracy one gain full control of the City Hall, there will be the greatest exhibition of partisanship and 'grabbing' ever known here. They must be beaten; and it seems to me and to a good many others, that Mr. Boardman should be the Republican candidate." The reporter then called upon a Democratic lawyer, a warm supporter of Mr. Boardman last year. "Well, sir, said he in response to the first question, "The Democrats Are Going to Win. this year. All these rows in the preliminary meetings don't signify. For myself, I think it was unfair. for the majority to act as they did in the Ward and City Committee Monday night. It's never worth while to stir up bad feelings for a more trifle like the question whether an informal ballot should be taken or not. But all this unpleasantness will blow over. That talk of a bolt is mere braggadocio. The Democrats will rally to the support of the regular ticket, whether Mr. Prince leads it or any other man; and if there is a bolt, it will quietly subside. The Republicans are bound to be beaten. They can't recover from their absurd division on the Mayorality question a year ago let along their defeat in November." The reporter asked what he thought of the Boardman coalition last year. "It was an honest movement sir," he said. "Mr. Boardman was well supported by the Democrats, and had his Republican friends done their duty, would have been elected easily. I think he would be the best man to nominate if a coalition ticket was to be formed. But that won't be the case. We are bound to have a Democratic City Administration" The reporter asked whether, in case Mr. Boardman was renominated by the Republicans, he would be likely to draw many Democratic votes? "He would draw some votes, undoubtedly, because he was the Democratic candidate last year, and therefore he is the strongest man the Republicans could present; but the defection would not exceed 1000 votes, I think, and the Democracy are sure to elect their men no matter who the Democrats nominate." The reporter's further peregrinations disclosed the fact that considerable opposition has been developed against Mr. Nathaniel J. Bradlee among Republicans. Several gentlemen asserted that he was a Democrat to all intents and purposes, and that only the "silver-top" influence could have made him a possible candidate. Mr. Boardman's friends claim that, under present circumstances, Mr. Boardman is entitled to a nomination and hearty support. If any other man is nominated some of them hint that the result will be disastrous to the party, which is leady on the verge of disintegration on account of the bolting mania which has begun to rule. The fields of Alderman Clark and Stebbing and the other candidates named for the Mayorality by the Republicans seem to be confident of success in the ward caucuses tonight. The latest phase of Democratic plan is shown in the report which follows: The Democratic City Committee. Everything Made Lovely- the Hon. Frederic Prince Nominated for Mayor, by a Small Majority, Over Nehemiah Gibson - Joseph Smith for Street Commissioner - An Interesting Resolution and a Harmonious Gathering. Contrary to the general expectation last night's meeting of the Democratic City Central Committee was a very harmonious gathering. The dissension developed on Friday night had been smoothed over in a way which was possible to none but a Democratic committee. There was a close contest between the friends of Mr. Prince and ex-Alderman Gibson, who was taken up as the opposition candidate; but on Mr. Prince's success MR. Donnelly and his friends gracefully acquiesced in the result. Mr. Prince's nomination was made unanimous. Joseph Smith was renominated by acclamation for Street Commissioner. A committee of fifty was appointed to present a list of candidates for Alderman and School Committee, and a resolution was passed favoring an indignation meeting of honest citizens opposed to the defeat by fraud of Tilden and Hendricks. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 o'clock, the Hon. Charles Levi Woodbury occupying the chair; 160 members responded to their names at roll-call, which was followed by the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. A communication from John Osborn Jr., in relation to , the charges of treachery to the party, was then read. He denied that he had procured his name to be placed on any Republican ticket, or that he had favored an "independent" ticket in the interest of Mr. Frost or any other Republican, and asked for the ??? investigation of the charges against him. The communication was duly offered. Mr. Michael Norton of the Twenty-fifth Ward, and Dr. George Faulkner of the Twenty-Third Ward, sent in resignations which were accepted and the Committee on Organization instructed to fill the vacancies. The Treasurer Mr. Michael Doherty, requested that all but seven of the members had paid their assessments. Dr. C. L. Randall of the Twenty-fifth Ward presented The Following Resolution which was received with hearty applause and adopted unanimously: Whereas in the opinion of the members of the Democratic Central Committee of Boston, in meeting this assembled, information is received that extensive frauds are being perpetrated, and an attempt made in certain States of our Union to deprive our candidates, Tilden and Hendricks, of their election; and, whereas, a condition of affairs is said and believed to exist in the States of South Carolina and Louisiana, such as to cause a feeling of apprehension and alarm among all honest citizens throughout the land, and such as to demand some section at our hands, be it hereby Resolved, that this committee herewith appoint a sub-committee of three members, of whom one shall be the Chairman of this body, to confer with the officers of the State Central Committee as to the propriety of holding a public meeting in the city of Boston at an early day, and then and there invite to participate in the name all law abiding citizens, and to take such action in the premises as may be deemed proper for the exigency and the occasion. Caucuses Begins Harmoniously The Chairman appointed on the committee Dr. S. L. Randall and Dennis Cawley, Jr. The Hon. Patrick A. Collins then rose to a question of privilege, and made a brief address, disclaiming any feeling of hostility to the Democracy of the North End, as had been insinuated at the previous meeting. He thought that the impression that there is a row among the Democrats of Boston is not well founded, and said that the trouble at the previous meeting was merely trivial Mr. Collins read an editorial in yesterday afternoon's Herald in regard to a "Democratic bolt,: and thought its statements not based upon fact. His remarks were pithy and a little sarcastic upon the gentlemen who withdrew from the City Committee on Friday night; and he ridiculed as impossible any Sunday night Democratic bolt, in this year at least. If the party nominates decent men for office, no Democrat will fail to stand by the colors and help to carry the candidate to victory. Mr. Collin's speech was followed with a motion by Mr. W. B. May of the Twentieth Ward, that the Convention proceed to the nomination of a Mayor, Mr. Charles F. Donnelly, said that he still thought the proper course for the Convention was not proceed to the nomination of a Mayor at so early a stage in the canvass. The first thing to be done in his judgment is to nominate a clean Board of Alderman; and he moved, as an amendment, that a committee of two be appointed from each Ward, to nominate and present to the Convention twenty-four candidates for Alderman, twelve for members of the School Board, and two for Street Commissioners. The amendment was lost, ?? to 1?4, the yeas and nays being called by unanimous consent; and it was then voted to