In Memoriam1
Mrs. Nehemiah Gibson
Mrs. Gibson died at her residence, No. 65 Webster street, last Sunday at 5 A.M. at the age of 64 years.
It will be remembered that Mrs. Gibson was severely injured by the staging which fell in Blackstone square on the 17th of September last [1877]; since which time she has been a sufferer from intense internal pains which refused to yield to the best medical skill.
From the first she had strong premonitions that her injuries would prove fatal, and resigned herself with Christian fortitude to that which seemed inevitable. About four weeks ago a general breaking up of her system told that the was near at hand, and she spoke in the intervals of
pain with comparative cheerfulness and retained consciousness until within a few hours of her departure.
Mrs. Gibson was beloved by all who knew her. She leaves a husband, a son and daughter (Mrs. Elliot Ritchie) to mourn her loss.
Funeral services were conducted at her late residence on Wednesday at 1 P.M., by Rev. D.W. Waldron and Rev. W.H. Cudworth. The exercises were very impressive. The music was given by a select quartette composed of Mrs. Saxton, soprano, Miss Crafts, alto, Mr.Geo. A. Taylor, tenor, and Prof. W.O. Perkins, bass. The selections
were: Chant, "Thy will be done"; Hymn, "The sweet by and
by"; Anthem, "Can't thy burden on the Lord". The floral decorations were profuse and very beautiful. An immense pillow on which a crown bore, on a card, the inscription, "From the Directors of the Maverick National Bank." Other devices were an anchor, a wreath of wheat and a pillow inscribed "Mother."
The internment was made at Mount Auburn cemetery.
Deaths (pg.4)
Gibson - 21, Lucy H., wife of Nehemiah Gibson, 64 years.
A Card (pg.5)
The undersigned desires publicly to acknowledge with gratitude the kindness of his associate directors of the Maverick National Bank for the
magnificent floral pillow and crown presented by said Board on the occasion of the funeral of Mrs. Gibson. The delicate expression of regard implied
in the testimonial will long be cherished with grateful remembrance.
Nehemiah Gibson
East Boston, April 25, 1878
1East Boston Advocate - Saturday 27 April 1878 -
pp 1, 4, 5.
2 Plate No. 18. Hearse. Carriage Monthly June
1885 page 60. Image from Carriage Museum of America.