Death of Ex-Alderman Nehemiah Gibson - 26 April 1882 |
Death of Ex-Alderman Nehemiah Gibson1 One of East Boston's oldest and most respected citizens, ex-Alderman Nehemiah Gibson, died at his residence, 95 Webster street, at 3 o'clock yesterday [Tuesday 25 April 1882] afternoon, after a short illness from rheumatic fever. The ceased was 66 years and 9 days old, having been born in Epping, NH., April 16, 1816, and came to East Boston some forty years ago, where he embarked in the coal business which he has successfully carried on at his wharf on Lewis street. MR. Gibson was a Democrat in politics, and was a member of the Common Council in 1857 and '58, and of the Board of Alderman, in 1861, '70, '71, '73 and '77. He was for several years chairman of the board of directors of the East Boston ferries, and was a member of several important institutions, being a director of the Maverick National Bank and formerly a director of the North American Insurance Company, also for many years a member of the Board of Trade. The deceased married in 1843, Mrs. Lucy Shortwell, who died some three years ago. He married a second time, leaves a widow and son and daughter by his first wife to mourn his loss. The funeral will take place from his residence on Friday [28 April 1882] afternoon at 1 o'clock.