East Boston

From Wikipedia 

"East Boston is a blue-collar neighborhood that is separated from the rest of the city of Boston by Boston Harbor and bordered by Winthrop, Revere, and the Chelsea Creek. The landmass that is East Boston today was originally five islands--Noodle, Hog, Governor's, Bird and Apple--that were connected using landfill.

Not long after the settling of Boston, Noodle Island served as grazing land for cattle, but in the 1830s ferry service to the island and the construction of the Maverick House Hotel made the spot a vacation destination. The character of the area changed when the marshland was filled in and the streets laid out. Since the mid-19th century, the community has served as a foothold for immigrants to America: Irish and Canadians came first, followed by Russian Jews and Italians, then came Southeast Asians, and, most recently, large numbers of Central and South Americans."

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East Boston Postcards

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East Boston related websites

  • East Boston.com


  • East Boston Sun Transcript


  • East Boston History - Boston Landmarks Commission -




Visit the Era of the Clipper Ships - an excellent website about Clipper Ships, Maritime History and Donald McKay - master shipbuilder of East Boston.


Visit the Donald McKay Seaport Festival website at
