Here are some book titles from the Gibson personal libraries.
The Legend of Chocorua
- Unknown author - Privately Printed - 1915
Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home & Heaven. From Poetic and
Prose Literature of All Ages and All Lands. With and introduction by
Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler, D.D. Published by E.B. Treat, 805 Broadway, New
York - 1878. Hardcover 414 pages.
Merry's New Museum, for Boys and Girls. Published by Horace B.
Fuller, 14 Bromfield Street, Boston - 1870. Hardcover 582 pages.
The Song of Hiawatha. By Henry W. Longfellow. Published by
Grosset & Dunlap, Eleven West Sixteenth Street, New York City.
Hardcover 300 pages.
Incidents on Land and Water, or Four Years on the Pacific Coast.
By Mrs. D.B. Bates. Fifth Edition. Published by E.O. Libby and Company,
Boston - 1858. Hardcover 336 pages.
The Progressive Speaker and Common School Reader. By an Eminent
Practical Teacher, author of "Progressive Primer," and several
other popular school books. Second edition. Published by Sanborn, Bazin
and Ellsworth, Boston - 1858. Hardcover 528 pages.
History of Carroll County New Hampshire - 1632 - 1889.
Edited by Georgia Drew Merrill. Published by W.A. Fergusson & Co. ,
Boston - 1889. Hardcover 987 pages.
Hill's Manual of Social Business Forms by Thos. E. Hill.
Published by Moses Warren & Co., Chicago - 1879.
- The Well Spent Hour by Eliza Lee Follen. Published
by Horace B. Fuller, Boston - 1868. Hardcover 203 pages.
- Shanty and the Blacksmith by Mrs. Sherwood.
Published by M.W. Dodd, New York - 1840. Hardcover 198 pages.