Historical Links:
Men's Emporium - http://www.gentlemansemporium.com/index.php
Mass Moments - Great Boston Fire - http://www.massmoments.org/moment.cfm?mid=323
Mass Moments Homepage - http://www.massmoments.org/index.cfm
The Ephemera Society of America - http://www.ephemerasociety.org/index.html
Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page - http://www.apparent-wind.com/sailing-page.htm
Genealogical related links:
New England Historic Genealogical Society ($ for subscription)
Ancestry.com ($ for subscription)
Boston Historical Society
Family Search (LDS)
U.S. Government Census Website
Canadian Census Lookup - 1901 etc.
Boston Public Library
Nehemiah Gibson search from Google
Boston Directories (from Tufts)
Manchester City Directories (Ancestry Membership Required)
Damrell's Fire - Excellent website and DVD about the Great Boston Fire of 1872 and Boston Fire Chief - John Damrell.
Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA