
Nehemiah Gibson | Boston, Massachusetts | Manchester, New Hampshire | Tamworth, New Hampshire

Here are books that reference Nehemiah Gibson or his family, or locations or things in which Nehemiah of his family  was involved.

Nehemiah Gibson & Family


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History of the Great Fire in Boston by Col. R. H. Conwell. Published by B.B. Russell. Boston. 1873. 312 Pages.

Nehemiah Gibson is listed as one of the members of the General Relief Committee (Chapter 12 - Page 177). [Click here to see pages 176-177].

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Schools and Schoolboys of Old Boston: An Historical Chronicle of the Public Schools of Boston from 1636 to 1844, to which is Added a Series of Biographical Sketches, with Portraits of Some of the Old Schoolboys of Boston (Google eBook)

By Arthur Wellington Brayley. L. P. Hager, 1894 - Boston (Mass.) - 439 pages

Nehemiah Gibson was the foreman of the shop where John Damrell was an apprentice learning carpentry from Mr. Melvin.


A History of Massachusetts in the Civil War Volume II by William Schouler

Nehemiah Gibson is listed as an Alderman in 1861 (page 582).

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The history of the Bunker Hill Monument Association during the first century of the United States of America by George Washington Warren. Published by J.R. Osgood and Co.  Boston. 1877. 480 Pages

It is noted that Nehemiah Gibson was elected to the Bunker Hill Monument Association as an associate member (indicating that he was elected after 1860 and was not one of the original members). (Page 424).

John Gibson of Cambridge, Mass. and His Descendants, 1634-1899 by Mehitable Calef Coppenhagen Gibson. Published by Higginson Book Company. 1989. Library Binding 547 pages. (Note: Originally published in 1900).

On pages 283-286 - The family of Samuel Gibson and Dolly Barker is detailed. Nehemiah Gibson is listed as the 7th child.  Click here for a revised version of the book - in progress.

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A History of East Boston : with biographical sketches of its early proprietors, and an appendix by William H. Sumner. Published by J.E. Tilton and Company. Boston 1858. 826 pages.

Click here for a segment on the Maverick Bank

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Galveston by P G Nagle

Page 378 references the ship The Elliot Ritchie


The Year-Book of Facts in Science and the Arts for 1874, edited by Charles W. Vincent, F.R.S.E.

Page 81-82 references Nehemiah Gibson building a Frameless Ship

The Campaign Text Book. Why The People Want a Change. The Republican Party Reviewed: Its Sins of Comission and Omission. New York. 1876. 754 Pages.

Page 597 references Nehemiah Gibson's comments about the breakdown of Naval Ships after the Civil War.

A Memorial of SAMUEL F. B. MORSE, from the CITY OF BOSTON. Printed by Order of the City Council

Page 8 references that Nehemiah Gibson was in attendance to the meeting and considered a Vice President

White House History, 2004, by the White House Historical Association.

Collection 2, Numbers 7 Through 12

In Number 12 "The James Buchanan White House" - Nehemiah is mentioned on page 408 as a member of a consortium which purchased the USRMCS Harriet Lane after the Civil War from the U.S. Government.

"The ship [Harriet Lane] was then sold to a consortium (including one Nehemiah Gibson), which removed the steam engines and rebuilt the ship in East Boston as a bark. Renamed the Elliot Ritchie, the ship carried cargo out of Boston until March 13, 1884, when off of Pernambuco, Brazil, it began taking on water. A British ship, the Galgate, rescued the crew from the foundering ship. The abandoned vessel was set afire to help sink it.29 Much of the cargo of pine lumber eventually washed ashore south of Pernambuco."

29 Edwin L. Dunbaugh and William duBarry Thomas, William H. Webb, Shipbuilder (Glen Cover, N.Y: Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, 1989), 78.


Boston, Massachusetts (Top)


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East Boston (Images of America Series) by Anthony Mitchell Sammarco. Published by Arcadia Publishing SC. Revised April 2004. 128 pages.

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Mapping Boston (Paperback) by Alex Krieger (Editor), David Cobb (Editor), Amy Turner (Editor)

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Old Boston in Early Photographs, 1850-1918 : 174 Prints from the Collection of the Bostonian Society

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Boston Then and Now, by Elizabeth P. McNulty. May 1999

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A Sketch of the recent improvements at East -Boston : January, 1836 by Anonymous. Printed by J.T. Buckingham. Boston 1836. 9 pages.

Click here to view the book.

Boston Illustrated -


Manchester New Hampshire (Top)


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Manchester, New Hampshire (Postcard History Series) by Robert B. Perreault

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Manchester - The Mills and the Immigrant Experience by Gary Sampson


Tamworth, New Hampshire (Top)




The Tamworth Narrative by Marjorie Gane Harkness 1958

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Websites with some Boston books online (Top)

  • Boston University - a listing of Books on Boston

  • Fiction books set in Boston

  • Old Books about Boston

  • Books about Boston and New England


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